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Chapter 1

Getting Started

Font Administrator is a graphical tool to assist Solaris™ OpenWindows users and administrators in managing fonts.

This chapter explains how to open Font Administrator and describes the main window.

To Open Font Administrator

To open Font Administrator:

  1. Click the Application Manager control in the CDE Front Panel's Applications subpanel.

  2. In Application Manager, double-click the System_Admin folder.

  3. In the System_Admin folder, double-click the Font Administrator icon.

Or you can enter the following command:

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfontadm &

Font Administrator's main window (Figure 1-1) appears, displaying a list of fonts currently installed on the local host. For a description of the main window, see "Font Administrator Main Window".

Note - If you run Font Administrator via an X terminal, Font Administrator manages fonts on the host system, not on the X terminal. Also, if the fonts on the X terminal are different from the fonts on the host, Font Administrator may not be able to display appropriate sample text to the X terminal.

Font Administrator Main Window

Use the Font Administrator main window to view a list of currently installed fonts. You can also view attributes or sample text for a font.

Figure 1-1 Font Administrator Main Window

The Font Administrator main window consists of the following parts:

  • Menu Bar -- Use the menus on the menu bar to access Font Administrator capabilities. The menu bar contains the Fonts menu, Options menu, and Help menu.

  • Currently Installed Fonts For -- Use these buttons to choose whether to manage fonts for the local host, or for a NeWSprint printer.

  • Font List -- The font list shows the fonts that are currently installed, and allows you to select a font for which to view attributes or to delete. To select multiple fonts, one method is to hold down the Shift key and click the desired fonts.

  • Sample Text Display -- The sample text display shows sample text for the currently selected font. You can type directly into this area to view other sample characters.

  • Sample Text Point Size -- Use the Sample Text Point Size option menu to choose a sample text size from the sizes available for the font. Choose a larger point size for larger text, or smaller for smaller text.

  • Screen Resolution -- Use the Screen Resolution option menu to select a different display resolution for the font, if available.

  • Total disk space occupied -- To assist you in managing your disk space, Font Administrator displays the total disk space occupied by the selected font.

Fonts Menu

The Fonts menu lists the following choices:


Deletes the selected font or fonts.


Installs the fonts you choose.


Displays attributes of the selected font.


Searches the font list for the font you enter. You can enter a partial font name.


Displays a list of currently installed font aliases.


Quits Font Administrator.

Options Menu

The Options menu lists the following choices:

Modify Font Path

Makes changes to the font path.

Set Sample Text

Changes the default sample text.

Help Menu

The Help menu lists the following choices:


Displays introductory information about Font Administrator features.


Displays step-by-step instructions for using Font Administrator.


Displays summary information about Font Administrator components.

On Item

Changes the pointer to a question mark -- click the question mark pointer on a Font Administrator item for its description.

Using Help

Displays information about using Help.

About Font Administrator

Displays version, copyright, and licensing information about Font Administrator.

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