[rancid] RANCiD 3.2

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Mon Mar 16 19:20:22 UTC 2015

RANCiD 3.2 is available at ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/rancid/rancid-3.2.tar.gz

Building on 3.{0,1}, 3.2 converts panrancid and nxrancid to modules and
imports the Cisco WLC script as a module.  A few additional highlights:
	- TNT support was removed
	- Support for git SCM was added
	- plogin was added, which uses router.db files to find the right *login

Otherwise, see the CHANGES and UPGRADING files for specifics.

NOTE WELL: In 3.0, the router.db field separator has been changed to
';' from ':' to avoid conflict with IPv6 addresses and etc.

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